Case Studies

Read how TAGIT serves your business as an owner of a shop.
Our clients talk about their experiences on a daily basis.


Safehouse and Sephora are highly satisfied with the performance and reliability of the anti-shoplifting security systems and labels in the Sephora cosmetic stores in Brazil. Your benefits of Tagit EAS security systems for cosmetics are the small discrete labels, the ability to apply labels on metallic packaging and the ability to detect the labels, even if placed inside foil bags. That means 100% of the high-risk articles can be protected and will alarm if someone tries to remove them from the store.
Therefore, you get a remarkable ROI.

Angelsport Herren

''It is said that there was no good EM system available, only RF and AM. That is not true! I have been using the Tagit EM system for three years now and service has never been necessary. It is running and running and running. For me, the 51 mm and the 32x19 labels for the price gun work perfectly.''


''After thorough evaluation of multiple EM product options, including Gateway and Chinese companies, we confidently selected Tagit as our trusted supplier. Tagit stands out as a manufacturer that offers both EM systems and labels, providing a convenient one-stop service and competitive pricing.''


''In collaboration with partner JK System, TAGIT introduces an advanced hybrid solution, integrating Self-Checkout and EM EAS security. Tailored specifically for supermarkets and retailers, this pragmatic approach not only prevents losses but also identifies shoplifters using booster bags.''


Do TAGIT 3D EM systems detect with products covered in aluminium foil or in aluminium foil bags (booster bags) used to trick other EAS systems ?

Yes, they can detect more effectively than other technology can do, because the operation frequency is low.
Tagit labels work on metal, round surfaces and small objects. Even booster bags will be detected. Watch how

Are TAGIT EM labels compatible with other EM systems ?

Tagit EM labels are compatible with all other EM systems, with the exception of Meto Systems, which require special Tagit labels in order to detect. For customers that have both Meto and other EM systems in place and wish to tag at DC or at the manufacturer special dual technology labels are provided which work on both types of systems.

Can Tagit 3D EM systems detect labels on metal objects ?

Tagit 3D Systems can detect on all metal objects with the only exception being metal which has been magnetised.

What Type of EM label do I need to apply on specific articles ?

In order to maximise detection the longer the label the better the detection is achieved. Therefore you would generally apply longer labels to larger products and shorter labels to smaller products. If the detection on smaller products still needs to improve you can also apply speciality high performance labels, like twin and power labels in order to boost the performance.

What ROI will I get with a Tagit 3D EM system ?

As you have the ability to be able to protect all of the high shrink items with Tagit 3D systems and labels you get a greater shrinkage reduction and therefore a much better ROI. Contact us to receive our ROI calculator by email.

Is there any products that I cannot protect with Tagit 3D system ?

The only products that cannot be protected are those that have magnetic properties. This makes the Tagit 3D system the most versatile on the market.

What systems nearby may cause environmental noise issues on the system ?

Some air conditioners, computers, special lights and Meto EM systems which are close to the Tagit 3D System. This is the same for most EAS Systems.

If there is a high level of environmental noise what can be done to improve performance ?

Ideally you would look to improve the noise environment, but if this is not possible the main benefit of the Tagit 3D System is that by using a Master-Master or Turbo configuration with sensors you have the ability to tune the system in order to maximise the performance.

What is the maximum aisle width I can have with Tagit EM systems ?

Tagit 3D EM Systems have the ability to detect labels up to 1.15m aisle width.

What do I need to do to maximise detection and/or aisle width ?

Detection can be maximised by using a master-master configuration, sometimes with Turbo and sensors, by using longer labels or by using speciality high performance labels.